Why Are Financial Institutions Struggling to Control Access to External Trading Portals and Platforms? Against the backdrop of the rapid adoption of electronic trading across key cash assets classes that aren’t typically traded on exchanges, financial institutions are struggling to control access to external trading portals and platforms and other markets-related services. This phenomenon is...Read More
Harnessing the Power of Web Access Control Manager OVERVIEW In this case study, we will discuss how a Global Bank implemented our Web Access Control Manager to help them achieve adherence to the SEC Systems Compliance Integrity (SCI) regulation for their Single Bank Trading Portals. This has been part of their continuous improvement program to...Read More
WHO HAS ACCESS TO YOUR CRITICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS? YOU’D BE SURPRISED. Controlling and having full transparency of business users and systems access to books and records of a firm is a central tenant to mitigating company risk, cost, and business continuity. There are two critical processes that market data teams and business CISO’s need to...Read More
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